Swiss online reputation Agency

Net’Wash, the online reputation agency in Switzerland AS INTERNET PENETRATION IN SWITZERLAND APPROACHES 90%, ANTISOCIAL DIGITAL BEHAVIOR THAT IS DAMAGING TO INDIVIDUALS AND ENTITIES IS CONSTANTLY PROLIFERATING FOR YEARS, ONLINE REPUTATION OPERATORS SUCH AS NET’WASH HAVE BEEN STRIVING TO ALERT AND EDUCATE PERSONALITIES AND BUSINESSES ABOUT THE DANGER THAT AN UNCONTROLLED ONLINE REPUTATION CAN REPRESENT. Although that awareness has been slow to develop, solutions now exist. The number of victims finding their name associated with slanderous adjectives (“scammer”, “bad”…) and even insulting ones, has been continuously increasing for years. Facing the vastness of the Web (more than 4 billion Web pages), the victims of these types of intrigues usually find themselves helpless and don’t know what to do to solve the problem. It’s in response to this finding that our agency Net’Wash, which specializes in online reputation, was created. With extensive experience of the Web over the past 10 years, our consultants implement innovative digital solutions that permit panic-free prevention of damage or repair of damage already incurred. Our actions involve 3 aspects:
  • an analysis of the situation (an entirely free and confidential audit)
  • a technical recommendation and implementation phase
  • potentially a phase for legal action by our partner law firms
Please contact us for more informations about our swizerland agency

Your Net’wash online reputation agency in Swizerland


The Swiss legal arsenal, however, is very clear and makes no allowances for the virtual world: every type of defamation, whether on the Internet or not, is criminally punishable. It is therefore easier to make proven slander and insults disappear when they have been made on major sites.
But the problem starts when the author is not identified and the content is published on a site hosted abroad. Swiss law no longer applies and all the usual issues of international law come into play.
Often powerless in such situations, legal professionals have to rely on foreign proceedings which are usually risky, costly and ineffective. Communicators and agencies specializing in image have no solutions to offer their desperate clients either, although some can have a small technical impact provided they have the necessary expertise and expertise.


Initially based in Ain near Lyon, our agency handles cases all across France and even abroad. We have, very naturally, been contacted many times by Swiss personalities and businesses to resolve digital reputation problems. The cases we’ve handled are many and varied: a name wrongly linked to financial scandals in the press, a teenager caught up in content posted on social networks, identity theft with bogus accounts on Facebook, LinkedIn, etc… As well as more unusual requests such as a search for employees who have leaked confidential information, net profiling of applicants for a job in a company… As our success has grown, it has become necessary to open a local office and we’re proud to announce that this will happen in 2017 in Geneva.


    available from 10:00 – 19:00