Google Dereferencing

The principle of Google dereferencing is simple, but only in theory. Basically, it is about removing a result from the search engine that harms your image and reputation. It is therefore a process of “cleaning up” negative results about a person or company, a brand, a product, etc. Results that tarnish the image of the person or company concerned, damaging its e-reputation, with potentially serious personal and professional consequences, and should no longer be referenced in search engines.

What exactly is Google dereferencing?

Let’s try to understand the concept of Google dereferencing through an example. Imagine that you type a keyword into the search bar of Google or any other search engine: one of your products/services, your brand, your name, the name of your company… Only, a link in the search engine results bothers you, annoys you, because it presents negative or unflattering information, sometimes false or exaggerated. Unsurprisingly, this type of content will not fail to arouse distrust and mistrust on the part of your customers, your employees, your partners… What to do in this case?
In a word: dereferencing. If appearing as high as possible in a search engine query is called referencing, making a result disappear in a search engine query is called delisting. It is a process that encompasses many techniques, but always with the same end in mind: removing a search engine result that damages your image and reputation.

Google dereferencing : Net Wash expertise

To remove a result harmful to your image and reputation from the search engine, Net Wash is able to act on several levers: 

  • Legal intervention, where possible, to put the publisher on notice with online reputation lawyers to remove the result. Many grounds can be invoked, including copyright, defamation, false testimony, failure to respect the right of expression or recent laws concerning the consumer experience…
  • An intervention directly with Google. This is known as the right to be forgotten, a concept that can be used when the keyword concerns a first or last name that falls within the scope of this law of the Court of Justice of the European Union and allows a result to be quickly dereferenced. 
  • A technical intervention that makes it possible to “drown” a web page on Google, through a technique sometimes called “Google Flooding“. These burying techniques also work for Google News, for your e-reputation on Wikipedia, and can be prepared before a crisis by opting for a prevention service. The advantage of this type of service is that it is more effective, because your image is protected in the long term by well-constructed preventive actions, while being less costly.

Take control of your e-reputation!


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