The importance of internet reviews: why they should not be taken lightly

Nowadays, due to the influence of the web in our daily lives, it is difficult to say that the consumer reviews about a brand or a company that we read online do not influence us. Whether it’s Google, Facebook or TripAdvisor, all these platforms have a review space, where you can express your opinion about a particular company. But are these reviews decisive for the reputation of the company? How do you react to these reviews? What to do in the event of a negative or abusive review? Answers from online reputation experts.

Consumer opinions, a major element in the online reputation of companies

It is estimated that almost 9 out of 10 Internet users consider that the opinions they can access about a company will really influence their opinion of the company in question. For the company, this will seriously influence the e-reputation of its performance, whether it is a company offering a good or a service. The e-reputation will itself influence the trust of Internet users in your brand and therefore influence their intention to buy.
In addition, the second problem linked to the opinions of Internet users concerns the natural referencing of the company. Indeed, Google’s algorithm takes into consideration the reviews of the users on the Google My Business page. The Google tool is able to analyse the content of the reviews and the ratings that have been given. Depending on the relevance of these reviews, the algorithm then decides on the position of the brand in the results pages, and this can have a serious impact on the visibility of a company on the web.

When faced with negative reviews, it is essential to react

Among consumer reviews, it is important to identify positive and negative reviews. With positive reviews, it is possible to respond to them, simply to thank the person for their comment. On the other hand, with negative reviews, it is imperative to provide a structured response. You should respond quickly and apologise immediately. Indeed, it is advisable not to enter into a conflict relationship, which would further damage your E-reputation.

Therefore, you should address the dissatisfied customer directly in order to provide a solution. On the one hand, this can improve your relationship with your customer and allow them to give you a second chance. On the other hand, it allows you to show other Internet users your responsiveness and your involvement in customer satisfaction.

Identify and report abusive reviews

In the case of a negative review, another problem may arise: that of an abusive review. This concerns a review that may violate the rules defined by Google. In this case, it is important to report the presence of an abusive review so that the search engine takes this into account. First of all, it is necessary to ensure that the review does not comply with Google’s rules. Examples include reviews written by a competitor or reviews containing abusive or vulgar language. If the review is indeed abusive, you can then report the review as inappropriate. In addition to reporting, it is still advisable to respond to the review, in the same way as for a negative review, so that other Internet users who come across the review can be given an explanation.
If, however, you are unable to deal with the reviews on the web about you, do not hesitate to contact our teams, who will be delighted to provide you with appropriate and sustainable solutions.

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