How to know your online reputation?

E-reputation is the sum of everything that is said about a person or a company online. En effet, les internautes participent aussi à sa création. As a business owner or simply as an individual, it is important to know your online reputation. however, it is not really possible to test your online reputation. This operation is rather intended for professionals in the online reputation sector who have all the necessary tools to set up alerts and scrutinise Google and social networks. As a private individual, it is only possible to know your online reputation at a given moment and to notice that there is a problem, a scandal or a crisis that appears. To know your e-reputation at a given moment, follow these few recommendations

Google your name or your company’s name

Googling someone’s or a company’s name has become a reflex. to find out your online reputation, the first thing to do is to type your name or your company’s name into Google. Why go through Google? Simply because it is the most widely used search engine. It has 95% of the market share in the sector and is therefore the best reflection of your online image. start by typing your name, company name, brand name, product name into the search bar and look at the web results. then take a look at the image tab, then the video tab. the aim is to see what someone will see if they do the same search. If you have disgruntled detractors, you will quickly realise this, as the search results will be polluted with negative material.

Check your social networks

Next, you need to look at your social networks. Pour ce faire, utilisez un compte anonyme afin de voir vos profils à travers les yeux d’un internaute. Prêtez surtout attention à Facebook, parce que vous pouvez être identifié sur des publications indésirables.

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